Lecture 6 – Dynamic processors

The dynamic processors are processors, which are sensitive to the dynamic range. Usually we can say that they don’t care about the frequency range and frequency bands, like the eq (there are exceptions, but we will not talk about them now). All the dynamic processor is detecting and working on, is the dynamic range. The 4 major types of dynamic processing are: Compressor; Limiter; Expander: Gate. The compressor and the limiter are devices, which are reducing the dynamic range. This is how … Read entire article »
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Lecture 6 – Reverberation

REVERBERATION When we have a sound emitted in an enclosed space, upon arrival to the listener it comes with many discrete reflections from the surfaces of the room. These multiple reflections cause auditory impression of “prolongation” of the sound until the reverberation process died down. The amount of reverberation generated by the surfaces of the hall is directly proportional to the magnitude and and inversely proportional to the sound absorption, which is carried out from its surface. The acoustic … Read entire article »
Filed under: Sound theory

ACOUSTUCS – Part 1 Propagation of sound. Characterictics of sound waves. Wavefront , acoustic beam. Period and wavelength. Frequency of the sound. Longitudinal and transverse waves. Speed of sound. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkNJvZINSEY As we know, the sound is the sensation caused by the vibration of the flexible body in agile environment. Parts of the agile environment transmit the vibrations through their mutual connection through intermolecular forces. The oscillation of every part of environment spread throughout the agile environment. Distribution of the periodic pressure variation on agile environment called … Read entire article »
Filed under: ESPOL, Sound theory
Acoustics Part 2

ACOUSTUCS – Part 2 PHASE CHARACTERISTICS OF SOUND Initial phase of the signal This is the position of the body from which it starts its oscillation. It is measured in degrees. If the body has begun fluctuation from equilibrium position, its initial phase is 0. If we deviate it in extremely positive attitude and let him go, the phase is 90. If two strings, membranes, pendulums or air columns begin their movement with a temporary delay to each other, we see a shift … Read entire article »
Filed under: Sound theory
Acoustics Part 3

ACOUSTUCS – Part 3 Superposition of sound. Interference. Standing waves. Comb filtering. Superposition Superposition occurs when two acoustic waves propagate simultaneously in the same sound field. In nature, often we can observe superposition of acoustic waves due to the reason that in many cases we have distribution of more than one sound wave at the same time in the same acoustic environment. In such a case is valid the principle of the superposition, according to which the amplitude of each point in the environment … Read entire article »
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Quantization of the sound. Dither

ATTENTION!! As a part from the book “Digital Sound – Myths and Solutions” this text is protected with a copyright. Any way of using the text or part of it should be discussed with the author!!! HOW WE ACHIEVE THE DISCRETIZATION OF THE SOUND? Through a process called quantization. Тhe analog wave, which is continuous in the time, in the quantization (or discretization) process is converted into discrete pulses counted and measured by level over a period of time. These … Read entire article »
Filed under: digital audio, Sound theory
Presonus – digital sync and connectors
http://www-media-presonus.netdna-ssl.com/uploads/news/media/files/digital_connections_and_sync.pdf … Read entire article »
Filed under: digital audio
Mastering session – for Advanced mixing students

Sory for being late with this https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-YxAbRnxDluUWVaUi1EOWJyUTA/view?usp=sharing That’s the link, you know the password. Have a nice mastering session 🙂 Hr. Karagyozov … Read entire article »
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ESPOL – Final music mixing

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-YxAbRnxDluYXA2S1dacUYtYjQ/view?usp=sharing a jazz record in a club. Mixing of the song 🙂 Hr Karagyozov … Read entire article »
Filed under: UEES, Uncategorized

Reverb Ето това, за което ме помолихте 🙂 Hristo K. … Read entire article »
Filed under: digital audio