REFRACTION Refraction of the sound is a change in the direction of propagation of the sound wave as a result of a change in the environment. Since the change in the environment leads to a change in the speed of sound, the sound front turns when going into a new environment. Refraction should not be confused with diffraction, even though in both cases we have a change of direction of the wave. In the first case we have … Read entire article »
Filed under: Sound theory

REFLECTION When the sound wave reaches the boundary of the medium in which it is distributed, can occur more than one process. Part of the sound is reflected. In this reflection the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection. On the chart is the angle of incidence, and – of reflection. The line perpendicular to the line of separation of the two circles is called normal. The angles of incidence and reflection are measured against it. The normal is the imaginary … Read entire article »
Filed under: Sound theory
Methods of measurement of the sound. Measurement scales

Methods of measurement of the sound. Measurement scales We can say that nowadays few employees in a production and media departments are aware of what they measure, how they measure, in which indicators and standards. Regularly there are questions such as: Why in some scales there are plus values, and??in others – not? • What metering device indicates what? • Why the same material placed on different measuring equipment shows different values?? Why a sound material brought to a certain level … Read entire article »
Filed under: Sound theory
Doppler Effect

Doppler Effect As a rule, the speed of sound in daily life is much higher than our movement. But with faster movement, such as fast moving objects – cars, trains, the relative speed between the object and the listener will affect the frequency of the sound we perceive. Thus, if a sound source is moving relative to the recipient or conversely the frequency of the perceived sound is changed in proportion to the speed of movement. Trains, airplanes – there is … Read entire article »
Filed under: Sound theory