Lecture1 – Sound, Characteristics of sound

So, the important points: What is necessary to have a sound, respectively, the feeling for such phenomenon? 1. vibrating unit; 2. Environment in which these vibrations spread; 3. Someone perceiving the vibrations. Definition for sound: Sound – it’s the feeling, caused by the vibration of a flexible body in versatile medium. Next, the characteristics of sound: The main characteristics are four. 1.The first characteristic is the frequency of vibrations. This is the number of vibrations per second. It is measured in Herz (Hz). the range between … Read entire article »
Filed under: ESPOL
Lecture 3 Part 1 – Analog recording

We use electro-acoustic transducers to capture the sound from the field of the recording. Then we use the opposite type of transducers to play the captured sound through the speakers. Thus we transform the acoustic signal into electricity to be able to operate with it. This is important because we can not capture the sound vibrations, so we need a medium. And this medium is the electricity. But the electricity preserves only … Read entire article »
Lecture 3 part 2 – Digital representation of the sound

In the 80’s a significant step in the improvement of the recording and reproducing of sound was made. The digital technology was born. The principle of the digital sound representation can be different, but the most common is the PCM (Pulse Code Modulation). In it the sound wave, which is continuous, is divided to frames, or, in the digital audio world, SAMPLES. This process is called quantisation. The number of samples per second can be different, but usually it … Read entire article »
Filed under: digital audio, ESPOL
Lecture 5 – Equalization – overview

Here is the presentation from the lesson about equalization … Read entire article »
Filed under: digital audio, ESPOL, Uncategorized

ACOUSTUCS – Part 1 Propagation of sound. Characterictics of sound waves. Wavefront , acoustic beam. Period and wavelength. Frequency of the sound. Longitudinal and transverse waves. Speed of sound. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkNJvZINSEY As we know, the sound is the sensation caused by the vibration of the flexible body in agile environment. Parts of the agile environment transmit the vibrations through their mutual connection through intermolecular forces. The oscillation of every part of environment spread throughout the agile environment. Distribution of the periodic pressure variation on agile environment called … Read entire article »
Filed under: ESPOL, Sound theory

DIFFRACTION Sound waves propagate spherically. For smaller wavelengths and greater distance from the source, we can perceive them as waves with a relatively flat front and a direction perpendicular to it. The ability of sound waves in meeting obstacles to go around them, penetrating into the area behind them, is called diffraction. Without a diffraction the sound would be audible only in a situation of direct sight to the sound source.By the diffraction we can hear sound … Read entire article »
Filed under: ESPOL, Sound theory
Final Test – Music mixing

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0Bzsi5s5xDVnNS2NTVURUWWlOdTg?usp=sharing Listen carefully………. It is not as easy as it sees…. Here is the tutorial how to do this: … Read entire article »
Filed under: ESPOL
Final Test – Theory

Here are the questions: Sound. Characteristics of sound Timbre. Definition. What forms the timbre of the sound Microphones. Types. Specifications. Analog and digital recording and reproduction. Equalization. Filters. Types of equalizers. Dynamic processors. Types. Most important controls in the typical dynamic processor. Reverberation. Delay. What is latency? Where it comes from? How can we avoid it? Phase characteristics of the sound. Phase and polarity. Reflection of sound. Usage of reflectors in recording and postproduciton rooms and in halls Refraction. Law of Snellius. Refraction in light and … Read entire article »
Filed under: ESPOL
Final Test – Field Recording

This is the second part – editing in Logic – after the 4 minute https://youtu.be/bwrTIMPuio8 and this is the beginning of the project – while you are still in premiere… This is what we recorded on the field weeks ago. Every folder has 2 subfolders – audio and video. In the audio you have all the takes from the Tascam recorder. In the video you have what we recorded with our cellphones 🙂 Your job is: Go to Adobe Premiere; Create a project. Create a new sequence inside … Read entire article »